Okay, it's time to post something, if for nothing else than to get rid of the chocolate chip pancake sausage picture!
Nothing new going on here. The weather's beautiful, so we've been going outside as much as possible. We're doing a little bit of school here and there. We'll do more when it gets too cold to go outside (for me that's about 65 degrees!) With Reformation Day coming up, we're talking about Martin Luther and others for the next few weeks. That's pretty much the excitement around here!
We had a family birthday party for DD #3 who turned 2 on Saturday. She's now in two year old mode- full force! It's so hard being two and having to share all of your birthday loot with an older brother and sister! But isn't she sweet!!

A little bit of business now. I'm going to try to at least keep my sidebar updated more often since I can't post much. In case you haven't noticed it yet, under the "good reads," I try to put up some articles or websites of interest. So, anything funny, encouraging, and/or theologically astute will be linked on my sidebar. We'll see if this goes better than my posting!