Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Taking a stand

My poor son, with three sisters, he had to draw the line somewhere:

Interpretation of this sign: No Strawberry Shortcake!!
(I must concur with him on that! I might improve on it a bit by adding Barbie to the picture!)


Hannah said...

Aww poor guy outnumbered by estrogen by like 4 to one when Aaron is at work. Stand up for your rights boy. May GI Joe wipe them all out in one nuclear blow.

Unknown said...

God bless you richly in Him.I have been laboring for many months writing articles and I was wondering b/c I was not seeing visible fruits and God spoke to me with the words "IN DUE SEASON".Yes ,I will reap in DUE SEASON.Thank you so much for your inspiring thoughts.Bekele